Hi friend!

Thanks for making your way here. I know blogs are ~so 2000s~ but if I'm being honest, desktop is more my speed. Plus, who knows? Maybe soon blogs will be cool again. (Vintage). Lol. Anyway, let me tell you about this beautiful family!

I've known Kennedy basically since day one (okay, maybe more like day 366 of my life). Growing up, her mom was our family daycare, so Kenn, my siblings, and I shared many fond memories diving for pool rings and sneaking Pepsi on summer afternoons. There's something special about being children together, and I still cherish those magical memories as an adult.

Fast forward 25+ years, and Kenn and I were becoming mommas together! Swayze (Sway) is just a few months younger than Calliope, so we were learning how to raise babies almost side by side. Now, with a full year of motherhood under our belts, I had the genuine blessing to take Kennedy, Riley, and Swayze's family photos in their cozy Illinois home. Oh, and how can I forget Boston! What a handsome boy.

Thank you K + R for letting me witness your story. <3 I can't tell you what it means to be in your lives after all these years.

(Also, not me tearing up at their newborn photos framed in the living room).