What do you do if...

You're a couples photographer in Wisconsin & the icy remnants of Winter finally GTFO? You head to the nearest soybean field for some kickass golden hour shots with your BFFs.


When Seth & I moved to Madison last year, we were so so lucky to live in the same building as Zac & Em, two of our best friends (and one of the stinking cutest couples I know). We spent many a night cheers-ing cocktails & playing board games in our apartment (only until Seth & Em wanted to kill each other).

So, when I was on a walk one evening and saw just how freaking gorgeous the sunlight was around our apartment, you know I had to ask them for a favor.

These two are straight gems. I'm so grateful for their friendship, sincerity and (obviously) humor. You can even see how much fun these two are in a few of the shots: e.g. Zac getting ready to legit pummel Em in football stance; the casual peace sign; and, of course, the celebration 🍻 of a shoot well-done.

Thank you two so much for being in our lives & stepping in front of my camera! 💛